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What's On 2024







LAG Sessions 2024


We meet in the newly refurbished Archaeology Lab, a well-ventilated room in The Old School building on the Bishop Grosseteste University Campus. 


All activities are on a Wednesday afternoon between 1.30pm until 4.00pm, unless otherwise stated. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. There is no charge for members and you don’t need to book, just come along.


We are currently processing a large number of finds, including those from the BGU Summer Field School. The excavation was at Haw Hill, in the Swanpool area of Lincoln, uncovering a high-status medieval manor house believed to be on the site of a lost medieval hospital. There are over 10 000 pieces of tile and 2000 pot parts to wash, mark and sort, and it is anticipated these sessions will run most weeks during term time.


Autumn Events - all at The Archaeology Lab, Old School House, Bishop Grosseteste University - 1.30 - 4pm. 


Wednesday, 30th October  - Haw Hill and Medieval Hospital Sites, a talk by Director of the BGU Field School, Dr Martin Huggon. 

Wednesday, 6th November  - Metal Detecting Theory and Practise - workshop led by Karen Thompson.


Wednesday, 20th November - Processing and Identifying Ceramics - hands-on workshop led by Time Team's medieval ceramic specialist Jane Young. 


Wednesday, 4th December - The Iron Age and Roman archaeology of Potters Hill, Norton Disney - talk by Bob Garlant from Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group, on the excavation which uncovered the remarkable and rare Roman Dodecahedron, as seen recently on 'Digging for Britain'. 


Wednesday, 11th December - Christmas Event - Seminar Room 4, The Hardy Building, BGU - 1.30pm-5pm       Dr Michael Jones, Honorary Associate Professor of Archaeology and Lincoln's former City Archaeologist will be giving a talk about his recently published book â€‹Digging Lincoln - An Archaeological Memoir  (Archaeopress) a fascinating fifty year insight and uniquely personal account of the city of Lincoln's rich archaeology and how it was recorded from the time of the early antiquaries through to the commercially funded professional teams of today. 



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Like to enquire about membership?​

Have a project in mind you'd like us to help you with?


Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.



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